Roche Young Commission for Lucerne Festival

Roche Young Commission for Lucerne Festival

roche-stories-2015-09-01-3_740pxI’m absolutely delighted to announce that following interviews in Lucerne over a weekend of 90th birthday celebrations for Pierre Boulez, I’ve been selected by Wolfgang Rihm and the staff of Lucerne Festival Academy for a Roche Young Commission, with co-winner Lisa Streich.

I’ll be writing a large orchestral piece over the next two years to be premiered in the Lucerne Festival in 2017, with public workshops and presentation of the work in progress in 2016. For a little more information, have a look at these press announcements (in German):

Neue Luzerner Zeitung / Inner Schweiz Online / Neue Musik Zeitung / Neue Zürcher Zeitung